Lasting grief
Unsubsiding anger
You name it.
These are the fruits of pride.
Pride closes the door to security, to trust, fortitude, wholeness, hope, forgiveness~ Redemption.
Don't believe me?
Have you never felt completely alone, insufficient, or broken?
Perhaps you have no faith.
Do you ever wrestle with your faith or lack there of?
I do. I wrestle with it all the time.
"Lord, help my unbelief,"
It's a common utterance.
Can I tell you something, though?
I never struggle with God. I never struggle with His power. I never struggle with His love, His goodness, His probability. I know He is, because I am. Does it not take greater a measure of faith to believe nothing than to believe something as evident as intelligent design?
Faith, by definition is as follows:
Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
It takes more close-mindedness to look at the physical earth and still create your own version of "I don't know, and it doesn't matter," and energy to feed the flames under the concept of peace through unbelief than it does to seek with all of your being to understand something that is older than one can fully process.
I'm not giving weight to tradition. I'm giving weight to succeedence. Something that has stood the test of time; something that is more than an order, but a living, life-giving order. There is power, unfathomable power in the Word of God. It is something that can completely rewire the brain, the character, and by default the heart and actions, through pure and genuine cognitive contemplation; for that, it cannot be discounted.
Governments fall to self-empowerment, and all other glorification of self returns dust to dust. The laws of man are ever changing, meanwhile the Law of the Lord changes not. Heed stability; start with the Bible and a straightforward relationship between you and God. All man-made order cannot withstand the ways of the Lord, so why buy into anything besides?
I have faith in God's existence and His ability to personally look over 7 billion people because when I call upon the name of the Lord in prayer and get a physical response repeatedly, I'd be blind to call it chance.
Yesterday, I was canvassing, (going door-to-door) in a residential area and had just given out two books for 10 dollars less than I should have, and was attempting to pay myself cautionary warnings for future reference as not to damage my scholarship by accruing a large deficit by giving away free books. So, I prayed. I prayed that the Almighty would cover any insufficient donations in case I had over-estimated some. Then I let it be. I waited for the van for a curbside refill for a second after leaving a home I had gotten the opportunity to pray with the owner in. At the same time as my prayer, and I'm not kidding, the sickly home owner's husband came home and walked from his truck to hand me 10 dollars without introduction or any "soliciting" (in the non-derogatory dictionary sense of the word) on my part. He bid me God Bless and expressed his gratitude, telling me it was all he had. It covered the last book I had given out and left me ~ speechless. In a matter of minutes, God reassured me all was covered and to keep going without worry.
I struggle with my stubborn nature. I struggle with what I can't answer. I wrestle with handing myself over to God 110% daily.
This is pride.
Praying for funds in faith and being handed 10 dollars seconds later on the street?
This is God.
Praying for funds in faith and being handed 10 dollars seconds later on the street?
This is God.
Don't mistake a lacking in faith for an abundance of pride.
Faith by God's definition: the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Pride by (new) definition: the impedance of eternal joy.
We have a choice to make.
Choose Christ, at every angry thought, every feeling of doubt, brokenness, lonesomeness, and He will be your strength; He will see you through.
II Corinthians 12- "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
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